19 October 2011

Still Slots Open

There are still plenty of slots open on both paths so let your friends know that we're accepting applications until November 1st. We're aiming for 100 merchants on each path but we won't turn anyone away who wishes to help.

If you'd like to join our team or put out a donations kiosk and haven't got one, please drop a Notecard with as many details as possible onto JoseDiego Silverspar or Margo Imako in world.

Just a note, if you don't rename your application correctly, we'll have a hard time finding it among everything else so please, please be sure to rename it right!

Application below:

If you're interested in the Human Path, please send your notecards to Margo Imako.
If you're of the Mutant variety, please send your notecard to JoseDiego Silverspar!

Please use the below format for your notecard. Label it QH - Path - Store- Owner.


Store Name:

Store Owner:



What I sell:


Thanks again, everyone! We sincerely hope that we can make this a great experience for everyone!

~Margo Imako
SteamBound Alchemist

~JoseDiego Silverspar
Pup P. Garou


Quarantine Hunt Sign

Quarantine Hunt

Human Path (Old) 13722L$
Human Path (New) 7216L$
Mutant Path 13741L$
Total 1/13/12 34679L$

Some Statistics

In 2010, Mieville Steam Punks was Team 113.

In 2011, Mieville Steam Punks was Team 21.


Quarantine Hunt: 34679L$


Wild Wild West Hunt: 30437L$
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